Walk Manifold is a Unity-Engine library used for Agent movement that targets a specific kind of game/use case. It is based on the technique described by Casey Muratori in his video "Killing The Walk Monster". It provides the following features which are not usually provided by movement systems:

  • Guaranteed Reversibility: Impossible to create a situation where the player can move into a space, but cannot then get back out. No longer need to worry about accidentally creating spaces that can trap the player.
  • Walkable Surface Visualization: Visualize the exact walkable area during edit-time and run-time, full-stop. You get to see exactly where the player can stand, in addition to exactly where they can get to. This allows you to trivially find accidental 'holes' left while building a level that allows a player to get where they shouldn't.

In addition to these novel features, it also has many of the basic features you would expect from a movement system:

  • Fully Real-Time: The system does not rely on build-time processes, or static objects. It can react fully to changing shapes, moving platforms, opening and closing of doorways, and anything else not usually handled by baked systems like Unity's NavMesh.
  • Agent Height/Radius Config: Move the player only where a capsule with a given height/radius can fit. Prevents moving too close to a wall, or under a too-low overhang.
  • Agent Step-Height: Allows the player to 'step up' onto features which are a certain height above the current floor level.
  • Max Standing Angle: Prevents standing on any surface with a slope greater than a specific angle.

The above features are emphasized at the expense of these other features, which are MISSING currently:

  • No jumping: The player cannot jump over / on-top of things right now.
  • No walking off cliffs: The player cannot walk off the edge of a cliff and fall down to a lower area.

This feature set is aimed at the common "Waking Simulator" style game, where you typically don't have movement mechanics other than getting from point A to point B. The guaranteed reversibility can be a critical feature for these kinds of games, where the act of getting stuck can be potentially game-breaking, especially when the game doesn't have mechanics like jumping to get the player out of many situations. The surface visualization is also very useful to have in these kinds of games, as many times the entire premise of the puzzle hinges on the players ability to reach certain areas of the map.

Download here, or also check out the GitHub

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TagsUnity, Walking simulator


com.walkmanifold.zip 54 kB

Install instructions

Requires Unity version 2021.3 or higher, but may work on older versions.

Install by unzipping the folder into your Project/Packages folder. 


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Very interesting and useful reference tool!