November Bugfixes and Improvements

This November release contains a number of bugfixes and improvements, let me know if anything about the new release gives you any trouble!


  • Lots of small balance tweaks for different waves to try to ensure difficulty is more uniform.  Mostly in the second half of the campaign.
  • Enemies that have random motion is now seeded at the start of the wave to ensure determinism
  • Improved targeting AI of the Stone tower to reduce overkill possibilities 
  • Allowed Stone towers to strike right away after rising rather than needing to wait for a full wind-up.  This prevents cases where Stone towers can't even get 1 hit off on a fast moving enemy.
  • Improved the behavior and look of the Stone chain slightly, should be a little more obvious that the stone has risen up off of the ground now, and the chain shouldn't clip through the stone part itself
  • Small tweaks to the UI to help improve text overflow for certain window sizes


  • Fixed enemy death particles not matching enemy sprite in certain situations
  • Fixed issue where PC version would not run in the background when un-focused
  • Fixed bug where towers would occasionally not shoot at an almost-dead enemy if that enemy had armor
  • Fixed a number of spelling errors across the app

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74 days ago

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